We all live within CULTURALlandscapes and within them there are spaces waiting to become 'places' – a places to do things, a place to meet, a place to test ideas, a place to speak from, etc. etc. If those who occupy a CULTURALlandscape do not use them they are liable to be 'occupied' by those in another CULTURALlandscape and they become lost to those who might well use them well.
Typically, within the communities who occupy a 'geography' there are CULTURALproducers who can use extraordinarily tiny spaces, sometimes quite large spaces, to create 'a place' – a place to do something, say something, to place set aside to engage with their community.
Places give cultures their realities and cultures shape and make places albeit not always HOMEplaces. So, finding places where there is the freedom and the opportunity to shape a cultural reality is something CULTURALproducers who will most likely welcome.
Musingplaces, public galleries & museum have become colonised and peri-colonial spaces where the frank and free contestation of ideas goes on outside them rather than within. Nonetheless, these 'places' will contest that but this is where a fruitful and engaging interrogation of ideas might well begin.
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